during the Cold War and the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.With a reputation for toughness, Trila has participated in several campaigns throughout the galaxy, including the battle against separatist forces
during their escape, and had acted as military support against Kephess and his Warstalkers on Denova.In 3638 BBY, Trila was a member of Strike Team Oricon
. The Dread Masters destroyed most of the force, and Trila was the highest-ranking military survivor. While Ogan-Dei used his Jedi powers to protect the base camp from the Dread Masters' powers, Trila dispatched a strike team of operatives
and pave the way for the attack against the Dread Fortress.During her time on Oricon, Trila was armed with heavy scattergunH2.a1.4 Scattergun and weared white-orange colored heavy armorA04.RT02 Heavy Armor without a helmet.